Jornada Solar – Planner book for men
Men get ready for an inner journey back to your masculinity, back to a loving and purposeful life, to a new awakening of consciousness, transformative experiences within yourself, and for others around you.
If knowing is part of the learning process, surrender too, and now, write, why not!
Your universe is here, in the present moment, day by day, embrace yourself, grow, evolve and free yourself, get to know yourself! Deepen your own knowledge, your memories, your dreams.
Dream big, plan your moments, celebrate the little things, and do it!
We know that man was not created to feel, and his emotions were not made to embrace, man does not know how to surrender, just as women do not, and nobody knows anyone, love was forgotten, left aside, what was left was futile, everyone is trapped, because if you let go, it’s scary.
What is Jornada Solar?

Jornada in English means “journey” and Solar means “sun”.
A Jornada solar is a planner book for men inspired by the stars, star signs, male cyclicity, well, just like women, men are also cyclical, the planner book has archetypes that facilitate learning and self-identification, solstices and equinoxes, because understanding yourself is also part of the connection with nature.
The planner book also links the monthly solar zodiac signs as a journey of transformation, a woman’s dream is to see men learning about the sign, but, better than someone doing your birth chart, it’s learning about yourself in your own way, isn’t it?
The planner book also has the “The wheel of life”, a sensational tool often used by coaches, I use them for online Sex coach appointments, in the agenda book there is one for each month.
It also has weekly pages, weekly goals, personal monitoring, organization, and lots of stories to tell all year round!
The book is yours, nobody else’s, just as we women have our diaries, now you can have yours!
My opinion about the planner

I particularly loved the planner, it has an incredible masculine energy, a new way of bringing knowledge to the modern man, who deep down is also learning about being a man.
Man also has his fragility, his essence and his cycles.
Men, just like women, don’t know their bodies, their minds, their desires and their intimate selves, the planner book is inviting, with beautiful and colourful images, but without losing the essence of masculine energy, which I found incredible and made by men, how beautiful!
The journey of self-knowledge

Curiosity is part of the process of self-knowledge, the materialization of curiosity is doing and living experiences, to know yourself you need to explore yourself, not be afraid to reach the point of no return in order to overcome all your own expectations and knowledge.
Knowing and experiencing is part of the journey of every being.
The solar journey planner book for men is a needle in the middle of the hay, but it’s a start… I found the work of men who also want to help other men to be brilliant and incredible… because it’s okay to be fragile, it’s okay It’s okay not to know everything, it’s okay to give your emotions away, it’s okay, and it’s always okay!
At the moment, there is still no physical planner in English for 2023. Who knows, it would be a future project to bring to the emerald isle.
Let me know about your interest!
If you want to know more about the project, access the page in Portuguese
On the site there is also the possibility of downloading a free sample of the planner.
Availability for physical planner in Portuguese purchases contact me via WhatsApp.