Enlightened Sex: three tantric breathing techniques for orgasm

A technique widely used in Tantra for the path of self-knowledge and transcendence is breathing. In tantric massage, breathing is an excellent tool to increase sexual pleasure.

One of the most profound ways to get in touch with our body is through breathing.

Breathing can determine the sexual act itself, a common example is the rhythm, in the beginning the breathing is slower, smoother and as you approach orgasm the breathing becomes shorter, faster, more intense, and it is through the control of breathing you can expand your pleasure.

When we become more aware of our breathing, we immediately become more aware of our body as well, all ancient traditions work with breathing, yoga, tantra, Ayurveda.

Read more: What’s a Tantra Massage?

Orgasmic breathing has a fantastic effect on the body, when used correctly, it can balance the entire sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and at the same time activate pleasure, it also moves your energy and that of your partner, if you are having a conscious sexual relationship in their relationship, this movement will harmonize their energy during intercourse.

Our sexuality is intertwined with our well-being and harmony, when we reach the interconnection between breathing, meditation, exercise, sex becomes a set of fantastic activities because it helps to raise people’s emotional vibration and increase ecstasy.

When you learn to use your breathing correctly, you can totally transform your sexual experience.

Discover 3 very simple, very powerful and effective techniques, excellent for working with your body, increasing intimacy to spice up your relationships or transcending your spiritual connection.

1 - Circular Breathing

This breathing technique has no intervals, has the same duration of inspiration and exhalation, is done through the mouth or nose, but through the mouth it is more intense and has much more delivery.


Relax your jaw, relax your mouth, stretch your spine, close your eyes, inhale deeply through your mouth and exhale without stopping, try to inhale long through your abdomen, not superficially through your chest, when you can do this very smoothly and when you can do it faster.

This breath moves all the erotic energy in your body, moves emotions and brings many things that are in the unconscious and into the conscious.


Start with 5 to 10 minutes, do not force, the intention is that you learn to move your erotic energy.


This breath is simple and one based on the three keys of Tantra, breath, sound and movement, which you can do alone or with your partner.

This breath feels like a good yawn, when it opens and relaxes the entire jaw, opens the mouth and the air enters the throat and descends throughout the body, and then you just let it out.


Sitting down, relax your jaw, open your mouth and let the air in as if you were swallowing the air and exhale with sound (ex: Aaaaaaaaa) and then you put the movement in the body, back and forth like a seesaw.

With your partner, looking into your eyes, approach inhaled and move away on exhalation, after a while you can reverse. Another way to do this with your partner is to inhale and the other to exhale, one will feel the other’s breath.


This exercise is very deep and comes out in an altered state of very potent consciousness, start with 10 to 20 minutes then gradually increase the time, if you prefer to do it alone 15 minutes of start is great.


In this meditation you will again perceive your body, your pleasure and observe what happens when you breathe, this technique is basic and simple, and you will learn to breathe and relearn how to feel your body, to be more connected with your body.


Sit with your spine straight, in a chair, in the position of practising Yoga or if you have difficulty you can lie down, try to leave the soles of your feet on the floor by flexing your knees, avoid using a pillow.

Close your eyes, try to observe deeply where your breath is, don’t try to change, feel, is it superficial? Deeper? How is it manifesting in your body? Then, place your hands on your abdomen, feel it, and when you inhale you will inflate your abdomen, notice that it will grow and fill your hands, feel and exhale through your mouth, let all the air out. If you have any difficulties, slightly contract your abdomen to complete the exhalation; otherwise, there is no need.


You will feel the muscles in your anus and relax and expand towards the ground, now breathe out and feel yourself coming back, the abdomen will also come back, inhale, expand the abdomen and release all the tension that is in the anus, relax releasing all the air, do this for 5 to 10 minutes.

Read more: 12 tips and exercises for a premature ejaculation

Observe if you have difficulty in feeling the anal part, the anal area, if you already have ease, pay attention to your body, all the parts that you cannot feel in your body, are parts that you are not very aware of, so they may be carrying shame, pain, fears, insecurity, or simply you are not enjoying these areas anymore, you are also not having emotional access to these areas, and it is very important to know where we have more sensations in our body, but also where we feel we are not we have no sensation, where we feel pain or physical or emotional discomfort, only then can we be releasing those emotions that are stealing our pleasure, our ecstasy, our intimacy, our own life and happiness.

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